3. More on Testing

The UFS-HTF comes with a suite of ctests. These tests are designed for proof of concept of HSD. Developers working on a new test case could follow the below high-level instructions, and should ensure that all existing tests pass before adding a new test.

3.1. Adding a test to HTF

When new test cases are added to UFS-HTF, this test (and corresponding files) should be added into the standard ctest set. This ensures this test could be potentially used in the CI/CD pipeline in the future (WIP).

3.1.1. Example - Add C384 ATM-only case

All the ctesting in UFS-HTF is controlled through ufs-htf/test/CMakeLists.txt. A ctest could be either a unit test, or an integration test that executes an application (e.g. UFS-SRW, UFS-WM, or UFS-MRW). Benchmark results are provided accompanying the ctests. A unit ctestcontains results in a reference log file based on analytical solutions or accurate numerical studies. For application ctest, one could compare to associated reference based on a previous execution of the same test. To determine the pass or failure for a ctest, the actual output could be compared against the reference or obs data (WIP). The reader is referred to ufs-htf/test/CMakeLists.txt, where numerous examples exist for both. For example, one can modify ufs-htf/test/CMakeLists.txt to add c384 atm-only test case:

add_test ( NAME ATM_c384_Barry
           COMMAND bash run_ctest.sh --app=ATM --grid=384 --case=Barry --ctest -v
set_tests_properties(ATM_c384_Barry PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 10800)

This will add a C384 atm-only test case for Hurricane Barry. Then you will have to rebuild under your <build-directory> folder. Then you will find a new test has been added in the test set:

cd  <build-directory>/test
ctest -N
Test  #1: build_ufs
Test  #2: get_ufs_fix_data
Test  #3: ATM_c96_Barry
Test  #4: S2S_c96_Barry
Test  #5: S2SW_c96_Barry
Test  #6: S2SWA_c96_Barry
Test  #7: Barry_track_err
Test  #8: model_vrfy
Test  #9: fcst_only_S2S_c96_Barry
Test #10: ATM_c384_Barry

Keep in mind the developer will have to prepare the associated input files such as model ICs. Once can check ufs-htf/test/prep.sh for more details. To get model gird/fix input files, you can simply use the following command:

./prep.sh -a 384 -o 025

Then the script will get model input files from AWS S3. Initial condition (IC) files for FV3 (created from GFS operational dataset) can be downloaded from below link.

Since the C384 case requires more computational resources, users may have to modify a few env parameters, which is located in <build-directory>/test/case/Barry.env. If you are on Orion, please modify this file from:

export _QUEUE="debug"
export _PARTITION_BATCH="debug"
export _wtime_fcst_gfs="00:30:00"


export _QUEUE="batch"
export _PARTITION_BATCH="orion"
export _wtime_fcst_gfs="04:00:00"

Then you can run the new test:

ctest -VV -R ATM_c384_Barry